Sunday, December 7, 2008

Madison WI, The Majestic Theatre

The Majestic Theatre in Madison has one very notable feature:  The balcony and back of the house take a turn, sharply angled like a broken nose.  Take a look at their online seating chart:

The main PA is hung straight on, and the only way the balcony gets coverage is by "bouncing" the sound up there off the walls.  It's actually not too bad up there, but it gets a bit swimmy there and in the back of the main level.  To get a real sense of what the people up front are hearing, you must leave the FOH booth.  The system was great, with a Digidesign D-show Profile out front, and PA with hung Martin traps and Turbosound subs.  Scott, the overall technical professor, was super solid and helpful, especially with showing me around the D-show Profile.  Many thanks!

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