Saturday, October 18, 2008

Welcome to NYC, show in Philadelphia

Well,  I asked politely and got a different room, and it's great.  It's even smaller, but that's fine.  There's actually nothing at all wrong with the room except the toilet keeps running, which they say they'll fix today.  It doesn't bother me except the waste of the water.  The Wifi here in the hotel is sketchy, but works some of the time.  My posts this week might be determined by that.
We drove to Philadelphia for a show at World Café Live.  Terrific venue, great people, great show.  Had a yummy lunch in the café.  Soundcheck went fine.
The install here was handled by Clair Bros, and I had all the best tools to work with.  Midas Legend 3000, KT eqs, Yamaha SPX, TC M2000, Lexicon PCM91...  PA and wedges by Clair.
I had a great time and I thank the crew and venue staff.

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